Donna Lindboe Trupin

Color and expression dominate my art. Creativity is a cherished gift. The ability to coordinate eyes, hands, and brain to execute a pleasing piece of art is extremely rewarding and soul fulfilling. The intent is to embellish the ordinary or make the mundane merrier. As a child I can never remember not wanting to color or draw. As a colorist, the excitement of a piece is achieved by placing one color next to another to produce the maximum dynamic impact. With deep respect for reality, I have always perceived the world as shapes, lines, textures, and design. These elements complimented by "juicy" color and expression result in an exciting final composition. Anything and everything is a painting. Art inspiration is everywhere: an antique chair, an unusual vase, a foreign vacation, a woodland hike, or an art history course. Everyday life, past and present is integrated into my art process. The paintings hopefully enable the viewer to smile, escape, and reminisce. Whimsy is a common theme. To generate a smile in an otherwise ordinary universe is an ongoing objective. Entertain not imitate. Give the viewer an escape from reality, or a refreshing way to perceive life: "Happy little surprises" - smile awhile!