Martha Fieber

I call my work, “Landscape in Thread”.  By using subtle colors and details, and complex compositions, my art expresses our human connection to the natural world.  It encourages the viewer to contemplate the interconnectedness between all things. 

My art is about texture, technique, pattern, and detail.  Each work includes layers and layers of stitching to create shading and depth.  I have been working with fiber since I was old enough to handle a needle.  In 1999, I gave up engineering for art.  It has been a joy to me to create original embroideries and work with fiber for my second career.  My education in engineering is an integral part of my success in planning and executing the complex and detailed landscapes and weavings that have kept me fascinated for the past 10 years.

I use all kinds of threads, fibers, and colors to create depth and texture in my work.  Single strand silk, rayon, metallic, and/or hand dyed cotton threads, on linen and silk backgrounds comprise most of my current work.  I use only 4 types of stitch, straight stitch, French knots, couching, and chain stitch, to achieve the incredible depth and perspective you see in my work.   I am painting and weaving my own backgrounds with fabrics, fibers, yarns, and ribbons. 

“Nature has infinite variation and beauty.  With such a vast resource, inspiration is unlimited”.