Kristy Goggio

Recently someone made the following comment about my work:
“The way you see the world through rose colored glasses, such optimism, I wish I saw the world that way ”. I wish I did too. My paintings are not a reflection of the way I see the world, but rather how I wish I saw the world.
My landscapes; lush, magical, bountiful. I wish our lands still had all they once offered. My depictions of sentiment between animals/pollinators are illustrations of inspiring relationships, how I wish beings and cultures to coexisted.
It could hardly go unnoticed that I've consistently posed my “Mother Nature Personified” in the same position for the past 6 years. Straight on front or back, elongated with square-shoulders. A stance of strength. Cloaked in varied foliage adorned with soft and delicate flowers.
She’s not a portrait of a woman, She is a symbol of Mother Nature. I paint “her” as beautifully as my skills allow lest we never loose the exquisiteness of natures creations.
"Optimism". It's paint and search for me. My concerns are considerable of the planets well-being as we use resources faster than nature can replenish. Global warming is happening and we’re all participants in stressing the environment. How tragically ironic that it’s mostly “progressive advancements” that has gotten us to this juncture. I don’t see irreversible harm to the planet as progressive.
Science tells us we are getting dangerously close to the tipping point and we need to work fast to right the direction we’re headed. I’d say we can’t work fast enough.
Studying honeybees (I'm a hobby beekeeper) is revealing. They're a bit like canaries in a coal mine, the environment is changing, faster then I think the majority realizes.
We all know in our heart of hearts where we could improve our individual efforts to lighten our foot print. My work has a message; We are not living in a utopian world.
My hopes are that my work serve as a reminder of the good, the beauty and the bounty and to inspire leaving a smaller foot print. Walk lighter, be your best steward for this lovely planet.